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A Letter to my Granddaughters

                                                                                By Cheryl Stevenson July 2020

I might not always remember the details of our time together but I do know the joy

that you have brought into my life!

That feeling is what I will always carry with me throughout my life.

I will try to focus on all the fun that we have together rather than dwell on all of the memories

that we have made that I have forgotten.

My hope is that as you get older you will learn about my memory problems.

Perhaps you will be able to remind me of some of the memories that we have enjoyed together

but I have little to no memory of.

I am hopeful that you will understand that I can't fix the way my brain works.

Please don't feel hurt if I can't remember something that is important to you.

I will always try my best to remember but that doesn't always work.

Please know that it is not a reflection of how I feel about you.

I hope that you will always know & feel the love that I have for you.

I pray that you will love me in spite of the memory problems that I have.

I truly believe that love is not a memory but a feeling deep in your heart.

Not even a memory impairment can take that away from us.

Our love for each other will always WIN!


Until I started writing this, I wasn't even aware that these thoughts were swirling around in my head. It is so strange when that happens.

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