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                                                                               By Cheryl Stevenson Oct. 2017

If I forget that I've told you something and I repeat myself, please don't remind me that I have already told you.

This can make me feel sad and upset.

Instead please listen as if it is the first time you have heard it because for me that is how it feels.

If I struggle to find a word that I want to say, please just have some patience and give me some time to try to work it out.

Rushing me will just make me feel nervous and that will make it more difficult for me to have a chance to find the right word.

If you recognize that I could be in the “fog” because you notice that my eyes are glassy and I am staring into space, just help me to feel safe and loved.

Tell me that you are there for me, that I am okay and this will pass soon.

If I don't recognize you, please remind me how we know each other and your name.

Please don't make me feel bad because this is not something that I want to happen or that I have any control over.

There are times when I have not recognized someone who I truly love and when I come out of the fog, I am heartbroken to know that this has happened to both of us.

Yet as this is happening, I can feel in my heart the love that we have for each other.

If I seem lost, please just help me find my way, but don't make me feel bad.

Tell me that it is okay.

If I am having trouble comprehending your words, please try to reword what you are saying to help me to understand.

If it is possible, show me in order to help me understand something.

Just know that there are times that these things will work for me and there are times that they will not.

There is just no way of knowing.

If I forget to tell you that I love you, please know that I still do have those feelings for you, but that my memory is failing me.

Perhaps on this particular day, I think that I have already told you that I love you.


I got the inspiration for this poem while listening to 70's music & the song If by Bread came on. Then I opened up a word document on my laptop & the writing process began.

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