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Living with a Memory Impairment Can Feel Like a Roller Coaster Ride                                                                             By Cheryl Stevenson   June 2014



A ride that no one chooses to be on, but unfortunately some people find themself there.

During this ride, you can still experience joy!

It is a ride filled with lots of unknown obstacles.

There will be many new memories made, but for you, a lot of these will soon be forgotten.

Family and friends will be left with these memories, but you might be left with sadness.

During this ride, you will go through lots of changes.

Sometimes, it will be very difficult adjusting to this.

It is very common to feel frustrated, angry and confused.

Life will become very scary!

There is no escaping this memory impairment journey.

It can feel like a roller coaster ride.

That is because one day, you can be functioning fairly well.

The next day you could find yourself in the heavy fog, unable to function well at all.

You are left to wonder what you did differently to cause such a different outcome.

Unfortunately, there is no manual to help you while on this memory impairment journey.

You have no choice but to figure it out on your own as you go along.

If you are not able to figure out how to manage the symptoms, the ride is much scarier.

Hopefully as time goes on, you are able to figure things out and the roller coaster ride becomes a little easier.

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