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                                              ©Cheryl Stevenson Oct. 2016

Sometimes I feel lost.

Lost in a sea of words.

Words that are on a page, but have little to no meaning to me.

Lost in my own little world.

No one can get in and I can't escape!

It is scaring me!

During this time, I don't recognize the people around me, yet I know that I should.

I also don't understand things that are being said.

Why is it that I feel lost?

I can’t seem to figure things out.

I don’t really like how this makes me feel.

Sad, lonely, and frightened is how I feel!

Sometimes, even though I know that I should know how to do something,

I can’t seem to figure it out.

This makes me feel inadequate, and stupid!

What also seems to be lost are the words in my brain!

Almost as if the filing system is broken.

There are times when people know me, but I can’t seem to remember who they are.

This makes me feel very sad!

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